Friday, January 16, 2009

CPR it is!

So when I received the ‘Dear Helen needs CPR’ email, I had to act immediately (well, not as promptly as it sounds I guess). Apparently the subject line had woken up the flight attendant in me. No, I’m not a flight attendant anymore and as everything else there are several reasons for that.

1. I didn’t enjoy being farty (note this is #1 on my list!)
2. I hated checking my waistline all the time
3. I don’t appreciate the cubic space assigned to the toilets
4. I was scared I would strangle someone if I had to say ‘tea or coffee?’ one more time
5. Applying makeup at 4am might make you look like Count Dracula
6. I slept for three whole days in Rome
7. Ever other male crew was named Ali
8. And many many many more reasons that even Helen will shudder at.

Okay. So where was I? Ah! The CPR email. As a flight attendant I am bound to have CPR training. Thankfully I’ve never had to use any of my talent ever. But the time has come for me to come to the rescue. Rise Helen!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Woo hoo! A breath of fresh air. :)